Thursday, January 30, 2014

A piece of my universe puzzle

Some people enjoy having more than one place to call home. They like having two places to chill or keep their stuff or sleep. Makes me realize why I feel the way I do when I think about having my stuff divided between places. And why I dislike staying at peoples houses for long periods of time. It makes me cringe just remembering having my life in 2 or more different places. I'm so grateful to be in one place now and that I realize how good I have it. And I'm thankful for all the people who gave me a place to keep part of my life in. I may not have appreciated it then, but I sure as hell do now.

I'm not saying my life sucked or anything, although teenage Ayla definitely thought so at times. I've just figured a tiny piece of myself out! It triggers some crazy stress hormones when I remember having my stuff all over the place and when I imagine it happening again for any number of reasons. I'm so glad I have all my stuff in one place, even if our apartment is a little cramped.

It's all about perspective. One person's heaven is another's hell. I'm fascinated by instances such as these, when I discover something apparently so crucial to my being that I didn't even have the eyes to see it for myself-- I had to discover it. Listen to me, I sound like I'm discovering a new land or a planet or something. But that's kind of what it feels like. Its one more piece of my own personal universe puzzle. How cool is that?

Read, write, live.

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